
Cold chain refers to a special supply chain system in a low-temperature environment for preserving products during processing, storage, transportation, wholesale and retail.

Cold chain is suitable for a wide range of products like agricultural products (vegetables, fruits,meat, poultry, eggs, milk, seafood and flower); Processed food including frozen food, ice cream, dairy products, chocolate, fast food raw materials; special products like drugs and vaccines. Chonson Beyond provides cold chain services for food and agricultural products.

By temperature control and air modification during transportation, microbial growth and food corrosion can be limited, extending the food shelf life.

Part of cold chain

raw material refrigeration-material processing and cooling/freezing-cold storage-refrigerated transportation and distribution-refrigeration for wholesale and retain system. The key element in cold chain system is controlled temperature including cold storage with stable humidity and temperature and cold storage with air modification.

With precise calculation for every part of cold chain, food can be delivered to consumers safely and efficiently. Chonson Beyond is committed to offering cold chain solutions and products for clients.